player playlist Miranda Gomez's AP Lit Comp Blog: Vocabulary #6

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

obsequious- (adjective) servilely compliant, obedient, dutiful, ex: groveling
My teacher prefer that students are obsequious to instructions, to get work completed and not cause trouble for themselves.

beatitude- (noun) supreme blessedness, exalted happiness, ex: peace, bliss
When hiking I concentrate on the climb, blocking everything else out and once I reach my destination my beatitude takes full effect, I feel bliss like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

bete noire- (noun) a person or thing that one particularly dreads ex: antagonist, opponent
Time was down to the last 10 seconds, it was now or never to win the game and defeat our bete noire rivals.

bode- (verb[used with object]) to be an omen of; archaic, to announce 
beforehand, ex: predict, indicate
The previous graduating class bode to our class that senior year is going to be the most crucial year of high school for colleges.

dank- (adjective) unpleasantly moist or humid, ex: damp, slimy, humid
While visiting Florida, Connor experienced a humid, dank heat that he wasn't used to before, he was used to the climate being dry like in Nevada.

ecumenical- (adjective) universal, general, ex: comprehensive, cosmic
Social media is an ecumenical concept used to communicate, that is known throughout the world.

fervid- (adjective) heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm; burning, glowing, intensely hot
I was never one to confidently speak up during a debate, until I took a risk and spoke with fervid knowledge on this topic I knew inside and out.

fetid- (adjective) having an offensive odor, stinking, ex: repulsive, repugnant, noxious

Jeremy arrived at his hotel room expecting it to be immaculate as the website described it to be, but instead it was run down and had a repulsing, fetid odor.

gargantuan- (adjective) gigantic, enormous, colossal, ex: immense, monumental
Paul grew up in the rural country of Montana and was not used to all of the gargantuan skyscrapers of New York urban life.

heyday- (noun) the stage or period of highest rigor, strength, success, prime; archaic, high spirits
I always find it fascinating when my grandmother discussed the heyday her life and how she wished she could relive it for it was the best time of her life.

incubus- (noun) imaginary demon or evil spirit; nightmare, something that weighs 
upon or oppresses like a nightmare
Negative thoughts infiltrate your thoughts and dreams like an incubus, until it completely transforms your life into something oppressive.

infrastructure- (noun) basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization
Cornell notes provide me an infrastructure to new topics and ideas to help me comprehend what I am learning in class.

inveigle- (verb) to entice, to lure or ensnare with flattery or artful talk, ex: persuade, beguile
It is bad enough that one would try to cheat the outcome of game, but I draw the line when someone attempts to inveigle another into forfeit the game for money!

kudos- (noun) honor, glory, acclaim; ex: distinction, prestige
I never received much kudos from others growing up so I made sure I recognized everyone elses  accomplishments.

lagniappe- (noun) gratuity or tip; unexpected or indirect benefit
I received free ink as a lagniappe with purchase, when I bought my printer at Best Buy.

prolix- (adjective) extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy, ex: redundant, rambling
Hannah shied away from any form of confrontation with others and when she did she usually rambled on about a prolix excuse about why she was sorry.

protege- (noun) a person under the patronage, protection, or care of someone interested in his/her career or welfare, ex: apprentice, discovery
The best way to discover hidden talent is by searching YouTube and their you will find a new protege.

prototype- (noun) the original model on which something is based or formed, ex: precursor, antecedent

Inventors do not often succeed right off the bat, they reconstruct until their prototype is perfect.

sycophant- (noun) self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite, ex: minion, puppet, slave
Isaiah does not appreciate being used by those sycophant "friends" that only need him for their own hidden agenda.

tautology- (noun) needless repetition of an idea, ex: "widow woman"
Marie was always nagging at her younger brothers to wash their hands and pick up their toys, it was always an endless tautology.

truckle- (verb [used without subject]) to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely (usually followed by to) ex: flatter, cajole
Tamara had had a crush on Joey since she was a little girl and would always truckle to anything he would say or want to do.

accolade- (noun) award, honor, ceremony
All this hard work had paid off, I had been accepted into the school of my dreams and I was receiving an accolade in my honor.

acerbity- (noun) sourness with roughness or astringency of taste, harshness or severity

My brother had stolen my uncle's car and crashed it, I can already imagine him spitting out profanity with acerbity at my brother for being irresponsible.

attrition- (noun) a reduction or decrease in numbers, size or strength; ex: weakening, disintegration

The number of students attending the school was causing an attrition because of what the scandal had caused.

bromide- (noun) a platitude or trite saying, boring; ex: stereotype

Often teens are lacking originality and attempting to be like the in crowd that a majority have become bromide copies of one another.

chauvinist- (noun) a person who is blindly or aggressively patriotic, bigot

chronic- (adjective) constant, habitual; ex: unyielding, persistant

Mike found it hard to kick this chronic habit of smoking to the curb.

expound- (verb) to set forth or state in detail, explain, interpret

There is no need to expound every juicy detail to me, just summarize the most important details.

factionalism- (adjective) of a faction, self-interested; ex: competition, opposition

In AVID there is hardly ever a time where we do not agree on something, but when we start to compete we transform into a factionalism.

immaculate- (adjective) free from spot or stain, spotlessly clean; ex: impeccable, flawless

My punishment for lying was to clean both the bathroom and the car until it was immaculately sparkling, it was going to be a long day if I was going to reach this level of perfection.

imprecation- (noun) curse, malediction
Everything bad that could happen, happened today, if one more imprecation occurred I would lose my mind.

ineluctable- (
adjective) incapable of being invaded; ex: inescapable, unavoidable
Every night my nightmares tend to feel ineluctable and never ending, always the same occurrence.

mercurial- (adjective) changeable, unpredictable

The weather here on the Central Coast is mercurial, one day it will be humid and the next cold and foggy.

palliate- (verb) relieve or lessen without curing; ex: alleviate, mitigate, camouflage

I tend to get anxious when I do not finish my assignments on time, so in order to palliate my nerves and wind down I listen to my stress playlist.

protocol- (noun) customs or regulations; ex: obligation, etiquette
It is such a tedious task weaving in and out of airport security, but I do realize that it is protocol to maintain everyone's safety.

resplendent- (adjective) shining, gleaming, lustrous
I felt as if I must have been dreaming because there was a brand new, resplendent Range Rover in my drive way the morning of my birthday.

stigmatize- (verb) brand, to set a mark of disgrace or infamy upon

Just one embarrassing mistake in high school can stigmatize your reputation for the rest of your high school career.

sub rosa- (noun) confidently, secretly, privately

John preferred not to discuss trivial and sub rosa matters with anyone else and dealt with them alone.

vainglory- (adjective) excessive pride over one's achievements; pretension, arrogance, swagger

Sylvia had no problem showing of her accomplishments to those around her, but lately it has become too excessive  her pride often seen as vainglory.

vestige- (noun) surviving evidence or remainder of some condition; ex: remains, shadow

The Colosseum was one of the few vestiges left over by the Great Roman Empire.

volition- (noun) act of willing, choosing, resolving; ex: determination, purpose

Sean did not let his troublesome past block his bright future, he had the volition to go above and beyond his limits.

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