player playlist Miranda Gomez's AP Lit Comp Blog: CHARACTER STUDY(I) *REVISED*

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Miranda had that aura everyone wanted to be around. She was loud, energetic and enticed everyone with her charming ways. Every act she made was spontaneous, even her parents could not contain her free spirit. To avoid conflict she followed by her parents every rule, even though it went against what she believed in. Up until she had enough, she had to escape her family business. She had to leave Las Vegas once and for all. She had to leave behind the Mob.

This journey wouldn't be easy, dangerous in fact. Miranda was playing with serious fire.  Months in advance she's been stealing money and making preparations to leave Sin City in hopes of a different future. Her hair was now a different color, wardrobe completely changed, as well as her name. Her name was now Ivy, Miranda no longer existed. But after all these years she learned a thing or two about covering up her tracks.  It would be like trying to catch smoke.


  1. You are so wonderful. This is so relatable.
    I have known you for a long time and you have held up just fine.
    You will do great as always keep looking forward.

    1. Thanks! But I revised it to fit the story, so its completely different.......

  2. Woah! So deep in so few words. Love It ! Good job Miranda !:)
