player playlist Miranda Gomez's AP Lit Comp Blog: August 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

  • Beowulf took off all of his accoutrements because he believed that God would help him slay the monster.
  • Once you reach the apogee of your 15 minutes of fame it all goes down hill from there.
  • You could say it was apropos that we would have to take our school pictures during the time we take our exam.
  • Bickering about who is right or wrong with my brother is inevitable.
  • The two students often find it difficult to coalesce when it comes down to difference of opinion.
  • She had the contretemps to walk around school with toilet paper on the bottom of her shoe.
  • It is always an unpleasant sight to see a convolution of a mess that is my bedhead in the morning.
  • Every morning it is a struggle to cull through my clothes and find an outfit to wear.
  • I always find it difficult to disparate between a set of twins.
  • Harper tends to be more dogmatic rather than yielding.
  • Criminals have no boundaries they are licentious.
  • You have to mete each ingredient evenly or else the taste will be too potent.
  • Our chemistry teacher instructed us to be careful around the noxious fumes of the chemicals because it  is a safety hazard.
  • Every little dispute between my parents and I turns into a polemic.
  • It is very difficult to get one on one help from a teacher when there is a populous amount of students.
  • Tim had gotten so caught up in his web of lies that he began to lose his probity.
  • The hostess of the cocktail party seemed to entice everyone with her charming manner and repartee.
  • On top of being late to class, forgetting to bring my homework also happened to supervene.
  • It is best to truncate every unnecessary detail and get to the point when explaining a story.
  • Abby's is without a doubt unimpeachable, no matter how rude someone was she always displayed kindness.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Beowulf Comprehension Questions

Working on 50+ questions by myself was not an ideal situation for me, so I decided to team up with a few other classmates to tackle the questions. I completed the first 16 questions up to Beowulf and Grendel's Mother and also the first 3 questions of Beowulf's Funeral. Lauren completed the next set of 14 questions and the last 3 of Beowulf's Funeral. While Kevin completed the rest of the questions.

I utilized Spark Notes, Beowulf In Hypertext  and the Gutenberg website. It was very frustrating trying to search for all this information, so it took me roughly 2 1/2 hours to complete my part of this assignment.

1.Shield was orphaned as a baby and grew up to be strong and powerful. Shield's remains were set off to buriel at sea along with all of his treasures. Hrothgar is the son of Halfdane, making him Shield's great-grandson.

1. Hrothgar builds a mead-hall, Heorot, and Grendel attacks it in the dead of night killing 30 men. The attacks lasted 12 years. The Danes could not stop Grendel, he continued to kill young and old citizens.
1.Beowulf gathers 14 of his best warriors and sets sail to Heorot land of the Danes.
2. They are stopped y a Scylding watchman and questions why they were there. Beowulf tells him that they are there to battle the creature Grendel. They then set forth to Heorot.
3. They then meet Wulfgar, Hrothgar's herald. He questions why they are there and that Beowuld explains and his men are there to defeat Grendel. Hrothgar recognizes Beowulf from when he was just a boy.
4. Beowulf confidently illustrates to him how he will defeat Grendel. Hrothgar had paid off a debt to a tribe because Beowulf's father had killed a member of that tribe.

1. According to Unferth Beowulf will meet defeat once again after losing a swimming contest. Beowulf tells him that he is too drunk and has the whole story wrong.
2. Queen Wealhtheow then enters the room and makes a toast.

1.Surprisingly Beowulf takes off all of his armor and puts away his weapons. He trusts in God that he will fight bare.
2. Grendel enters the hall shocked by how heavily guarded it is. Beowulf started to wrestle with him, Beowulf's strength started to overpower him. Grendel's strength diminishes and his arms start to tear. Grendel escapes, but is later found dead. The only thing left behind is his arm.

1. Beowulf is similar to Sigemund because they both fought monsters in order to win a prize, in Beowulf's case fame and differ because he is not like Heremod, a Danish king who turned against his own people. Beowulf is fighting for the people even if they are not his own. He did not ask for a reward, he just wanted to defeat this monster.
2. Hrothgar bestows gifts upon Beowulf and his men. Hrothgar pays the death-price of one of Beowulf's  fallen men. Unferth is no longer boasting about Beowulf's weakness.
3. A battle had occurred between the Frisians and Danes. They created a truce to live separately and equally. The Danes then kill Finn and their princess is returned home.
4. Wealhtheow tells Hrothgar not to adopt Beowulf into the family. She wants her nephew to rule.
5. Later on the torque (necklace) gets stolen by the Franks. She then asks Beowulf to watch over and guide her sons.
6. The men remain in the hall because they believe that it is safe to stay now that Grendel is dead. They are mistaken because Grendel's mother is out for revenge.

1. When the companions return Wyglaf tries to revive Beowulf but he is already dead. He tells them that Beowulf killed the dragon before he died and they are dishonorable for leaving him behind in his time of need. He then predicts that a feud between the Geats and Swedes will be revived.
2. The messenger tells the city of Beowulf's death and how without his protection they will be attacked. Ogentheow killed a warrior named Wulf. Then the next day he was killed by Wulf's brother Eofor. The treasure was burned with Beowulf's corpse.
3. Wyglaf recounts Beowulf's last wishes and start his funeral pyre.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



  • giving up rights to protect everyone elses


  • part of the brain governed by emotion
  • w/ opinions you are allowed to have it, but doesn't necessarily have to persuade another

  • routines or organizing structures used to make sense of the world

"Fiction is the lie that tells the truth."

Monday, August 19, 2013


1. Factors that may affect me at this point in time are that I am currently moving, so I may not be able to complete all my assigned work given that day or that I will not always have access to the internet to post assignments on the blog. Though I will try my absolute best to complete and post it the next day.
2. The best learning experience that changed me was back in my sophomore year of high school. It was in Mrs. Byrne's honors class. She had our class create our first blogs. We didn't know what to expect and how much it would affect us. We were all interconnected, able to get ideas on different topics, and have intellectual discussions. It was new and exciting.  Having our blogs opened a world of possibilities for learning.
3. I am excited to learn from a different perspective, namely from this blogger. During my sophomore year we didn't utilize our blog as much as we have so far in this particular class, so this year I hope take more out of it. Some concerns I have are keeping up with the work load. So many assignments are given at once and it becomes overwhelming for me. I start to stress out, over think my assignment, and overestimate my ability to complete my work. Only on few occasions have I received these anxiety attacks, but this year I hope to keep the attacks down to 0.


  • The first week of school seemed to adumbrate what the rest of my senior year of high school would be like.
  • Amara's prezi presentation defines the apotheosis of American Literature.
  • Those who live an ascetic lifestyle tend to be more strict and abstinent.
  • Ever since he was a baby, he would always carry around that bauble of an airplane.
  • The salesman beguiled the tourists into buying souvenirs that were more than what they were worth.
  • Alyssa started from frugal beginnings and over the years burgeoned her way into a successful, wealthy business woman.
  • The couple were of contrasting backgrounds, but complemented each other perfectly.
  • No matter how much training our dog received, he still was contumacious to authority.
  • Just because you have undergone the worst of circumstances does not mean you should always be a curmudgeon about it.
  • Teachers tend to become overly didactic when teaching a subject that excites them.
  • When talking to adults, the student tends to be disrespectful and disingenuous.
  • With little evidence to go on, the jury found it difficult to exculpate the truth. 
  • Falling down in the middle of the quad was not a faux pas I wished would happen.
  • As a child not doing what you were told tends to fulminate a parents anger and patience.
  • Fustian language often makes you seem like you don't comprehend what you are talking about.
  • Having a hauteur persona is not always a handicap.
  • In order to inhibit procrastination you must block out all distractions such as noise and technology to get your work completed.
  • Instead of letting this become a jeremiad, do something about it, change your ways.
  • Opportunists are not guaranteed a profit, they take risks in hope of a reward.
  • Being under the influence is fatally dangerous and can lead to an unconscionable disaster.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

1987 AP Exam

The beginning passages of this exam were comprehensible, but as soon as I was halfway done I was struggling to understand the vocabulary. I need to brush up on a lot of these words and start practicing them in my every day language. It was also difficult for me to know what form each poem was written in because I never had a thorough background on each style that was used.

Not to mention, what happened to questions 33-46???


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Poetry #1

1. The poem is "The Laughing Heart" by Charles Bukowski.
2. This Levi's advertisement campaign illustrates that its brand has been associating with "gangster-like behavior" as the article points out. Ironically enough this campaign was meant to inspire change and positive action although the man in the advertisement is going against the authorities.
3. Bukowski did not take his literary work too seriously and mainly went against the mainstream. Bukowski acknowledged that he was the hero of his own life and was no different than the rest of society which clearly depicts "The Laughing Heart."
4. For answer #1 I found the answer within the article that was linked on this post, it had stated that they had used Charles Bukowski's poem "The Laughing Heart." I then researched the poem and author to gain a better knowledge behind Bukowski's poetry and reputation. As for answer #3, I researched the poem recited in this advertisement campaign on the Best American Poetry website, which then led me to another post depicting his style of writing and history.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


"It always rains the hardest on those who deserve the sun." 
Those that are genuinely good people, who do no wrong against others, are hard working, and have always struggled cannot seem to catch a break. Why is this so? 

Also why is our society good at "pretending"? We pretend to be happy or pretend to be something we're not. Nowadays pretending seems what we do best. Society seems to be faking it to make it. Why must we pretend? Why must we pretend to be something other than ourselves? Why aren't our standards good enough for society, that we have to stoop to their unattainable idea of perfection? For in the end, we only lose ourselves to what we pretend to be. Is pretending truly worth it?